Mike, K7IR, President of SteppIR Antennas, showed me a printed circuit board from an antenna controller that a customer had sent returned. They didn’t get a direct lightning hit, but after a small storm nearby, their antenna wasn’t working any longer. Check out the destruction of the driver chips. It’s prudent to make sure you …
The DB-36 Prototype I’ve been fortunate to be able to work with Mike, Jim, and Clay on the new Steppir “Dream Beam 36” antenna. You may have seen hints in the pictures of one of the initial prototypes on W7CE’s (Clay) web site. These folks are DEDICATED to producing a great product. I’ve been helping …
Work that DXpedition on 160m N8S (Swain’s island) is active now, and BS7H (Scarborough Reef) will be active shortly; in this part of the sunspot cycle, why not try to work them on 160m? If you have the time and room, a reasonable antenna might be like W7IUV’s Vertical, but if you need them on …
Using a Balloon or Blimp to Support an Antenna for 160 meters If you want to get on top band, and you don’t have the real estate or towers to get a permanent 160 meter antenna in the air, why not try a blimp or balloon? Ground crew (KE7MAN) with 13′ blimp. ** 3/23/2017 update: This guy …